The project
The project seeks to promote effective practices for achieving social sustainability in communities from Spain and Cyprus. The project’s intention is to endorse intergenerational dialogue and intangible heritage as effective practices for building coherent societies. We will implement intergenerational dialogue through interviewing citizens living in the same communities enabling at the same
time their civic engagement and active participation. The interviews will be framed to collect the perceptions of different generations through their life stories narratives promoting active ageing. Partnership aims to develop a digital archive of intangible heritage based on the results of the interviews, targeting to bridge the intercultural, intergenerational and social gap
the project seeks to promote effective practices for achieving social sustainability in communities from Spain and Cyprus. The project’s intention is to endorse intergenerational dialogue and intangible heritage as effective practices for building coherent societies. We will implement intergenerational dialogue through interviewing citizens living in the same communities enabling at the same time their civic engagement and active participation. The interviews will be framed to collect the perceptions of different generations through their life stories narratives promoting active ageing. Partnership aims to develop a digital archive of intangible heritage based on the results of the interviews, targeting to bridge the intercultural, intergenerational and social gap
Social Sustainability is a critical component of a community’s wellbeing and longevity. Communities must not only be environmentally sustainable, they must also be socially sustainable. This project’s motivation is to promote social sustainability in communities through intergenerational dialogue that can help
people in different age brackets to learn from each other and allow generations to exchange views on civic participation and reasons for being an active citizen. Intergenerational dialogue can help generations to build and follow more actively Europe’s values and ultimately promote social sustainability.
Social Sustainability is a critical component of a community’s wellbeing and longevity. Communities must not only be environmentally sustainable, they must also be socially sustainable. This project’s motivation is to promote social sustainability in communities through intergenerational dialogue that can help people in different age brackets to learn from each other and allow generations to exchange views on civic participation and reasons for being an active citizen. Intergenerational dialogue can help generations to build and follow more actively Europe’s values and ultimately promote social sustainability.

Intergenerational Dialogue
Collect the perceptions of different generations through their life stories narratives is the opportunity to raise their voice regarding their generation’s life style and way of living.

Intangible Heritage
Human societies have constantly developed and adapted their intangible cultural heritage, in order to address fundamental needs and social issues across time and space.

Civic Engagement
Citizens with fewer opportunities and diverse backgrounds will have the opportunity to get involved in interviews and have their testimonies shared among the community.
Project facts
Grant Agreement number
Project title
Promoting Intergenerational Dialogue and Intagible Heritage for achieving Social Sustainability in local communities
Project acronym
Project budget
€ 60.000
Starting date
20 months
Transnational and online Partners Meetings
Madrid, Nicosia
For better communication and transparency during
the project implementation as well as for project evaluation purposes, partners will be regularly meet according to the
milestone activities in order to regulate the even flow of the activities.
Research Guide: Intang. heritage effects on social sustainability
The main aim of this activity is to define the methodological framework of the applied research that partners will conduct
to citizens of different generations in their communities to collect evidences based on the project
Train the interviewers
This activity will enable the upskilling of people from different organisations and develop their knowledge, skills and
capacities on the field of research.
Conducting intergenerational interviews
Spain, Cyprus
This activity will serve to promote active ageing and intangible cultural heritage with the material collected by the interviews. The in depth investigation of everyday life and perceptions of different generations in the same community will not only help to preserve heritage but will also help to bridge intergenerational gaps.
Developing digital environment for intangible heritage
Spain, Cyprus
This activity will serve to promote common values and perceptions of people living in the communities through different generations. The demonstration of the videos in interactive info-kiosks will enable visitors to understand better the
transformation of society through different age periods.
Dissemination-Grand Opening Events
Spain, Cyprus
This activity aims to
disseminate project’s objectives and results to large and different audience both locally and nationally. Stakeholders, NGOs, public institutions, cultural actors will be invited to get informed and experienced the results of the project.
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